The market volatility of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many farms to take a closer look at their financial statements and, in some cases, wish they would have done things differently
My family went on their first vacation to visit a friend in California last spring. It was the first time in 18 years that my parents had left the farm for more than a long weekend outside of driving distance
The next chapter in California’s civil war over quota was written after Administrative Law Judge Timothy Aspinwall concluded, “ . . . the Petition is legally defective and should not be advanced...
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s Scientific Report puts dairy in a strong place for the final 2020-2025 guidelines that are set to be released at the end of this year
New research findings could be good news for dairy foods. Emerging science shows that overall diet quality counts more for positive health outcomes than just single nutrients or the quantity of calories...
For the past seven years, I have volunteered at the Dairy Cow Birthing Center at the New York State Fair. When I get there, I promptly plop myself next to the calf pen, which is normally swamped with people
The coronavirus pandemic has brought to light a number of new consumer behaviors. Among them is an interesting trend that has emerged in purchasing decisions